We are offsetting 12,375kg of carbon with tree planting

You may remember that back in April we sent out some of our team to work with local charity Greener Every Day to plant 170 trees.

Of those 170 trees 70 were English Oak and as a result of that we have been presented with a certificate confirming an offset of 12,375kg of carbon per year! We couldn’t be prouder of that and would firmly encourage anyone wanting to make a difference to our environment to look at similar initiatives.

Not only did we have a great day out planting the trees, we can also now see the actual environmental benefit from our efforts.

If you want to find out more about Greener Every Day and their commitment to making our world a healthier and greener place then take a look at their website www.greenereveryday.co.uk or search for them on Facebook.

There are a number of ways you can get involved, whether on a corporate or an individual basis, with advice on carbon offsetting and volunteering opportunities. We can all make a difference!